- Gross photo attached, please do not continue if you are eating, or unfit to view.
- Photos taken straight from a DVD clip, with only consent from the patient, please do not take this as reference nor study research
- Also, author as no skills with electronic stuff, hence apologize for all the 'headache' and imperfect stuff seen.
- Long entry ahead. Warned not to drink nor eat while reading. Not a pleasure to read, but is for knowledge wise.
Thank you!
I was going through Robb's website, and I was STUNNED !! Yes, you read me right, STUNNED !! extremely....S T U N N E D
Wow.. he sure gives me some determination to lose weight Further, and this is why...
Just a little update from why MIA so long,
It took me a while to bring this courage to write. I mean, is all about The Woman sickness, and I am pretty shy to talk about it.
But with much thoughts and courage from a close friend, I decided to write about it...
Here goes....
After much complain on the right below abdomen pain (for a few years now, I think this is the 4th year, I lost count) , I finally brave out myself to visit 2nd Gynae's opinion; Doctors and hospital were never my favorite place to go *pouts*. I remembered when I was younger, I used to love going hospital because I get to see babies, new borns and kiddies at my age to play with.
Since age of 5, the word "hospital" just freaks me out. Especially when you get phone calls from xxx hospital saying that xxx , whom so happened to be your relative passed away, or in ICU ..etc. Just freaks me off. *shrugs*
Anyway, after many years of complaining pain, many specialist (from Appendix to Colon to Gastric to finally Gynae) scans (from Image scanning, to X-ray, to CT Scan)... 3 different specialist, said that I was just being paranoid over the pain, and gave me a conclusion as "you are thinking too much" .
Naturally, the pain grow tremendously especially when period is about to come. Initially, I thought just another period cramp (which I shouldn't ignore it, as I never had period cramps before in my entire life before)... so, Panel Doctor gave me period cramps medicine...yada yada...
Then one fine day, the period prolonged to 12 days long instead of the normal 4 days. This is then I panic and went for second opinion. First gynae, Dr Chew Weng Hang, diagnosed me as Endometriosis , pretty common among the woman apparently. Then he says, since I have been complaining bout the pain, he can't confirmed until we do a Laparoscopy test. [Editor: He is one REAL patience and nice doctor, at least, he took the time to not only explain the whole thing to me through charts and drawings, making sure I am comfortable with the whole thing. He even took the effort to flip open his book, show me the meaning of these two glamour medical terms that later became a nightmare to me, it just kept appearing in my dreams] Hehe... after much consultations, I am pro with all the Medical names already!
Ok, I was chicken for the Laparoscopy test, also financial is another thing to worried bout too. So.. I ignored, until my 2nd opinion from Dr Bee Hang Wing, he too, gave me ultra scan and diagnosed me as Endometriosis . A test is required...yada yada.. he didn't drill in further to explain as he seems to know that I did alot of research on this already. No offense, during the 1st consultation, he seems kinda in hurry to go home. It was my ever-irritating-curios attitude that made him talk more.
Nevertheless on that. The least, he took effort to explain the Laparoscopy test and the side effects of taking Lucrin Depot, and the tests...yada yada. After much persuasion from my mom and other factors, I finally give in and have the operation on 2 days later.
It was kinda rush, the following night, I checked into hospital so that they can have some time 'cleaning' me up before the op.
Day 1
- Nurses woke me up 4am (I didn't sleep basically, I am scare ok) inserted some liquid into my buttock. Don't ask me what it is, but it suppose to flush out all the dirty stuff I had in my 'back door'
- I tried to sleep a little, but by 4.15am I headed for the toilet, flushed everything out, and fell asleep.
- 5am, my room mate (Kak Waty, she is a very poor thing, because of pregnancy problems, she had became regulars in the hospital, will highlight her in my future post) hand phone rang, is her Sembahyang time. She is very sweet, she knew I didn't sleep, and the nurses came earlier, so she whispered softly over the curtain , "Tak yah takut, Kak pray untuk you. Sekejap nanti Caren keluar dah..." ["Don't worry, I will pray for you, Caren will be out shortly..."]
- 7am, the house keepers came to clean the room..toilet
- 7.30am, the kitchen lady came, to give Kak Waty her breakfast. [PS: Chicken chop served wei!! Don't play play!] while I went to clean up myself, bath and drool over her meal, since I am fasting still. *grin*
- 8.30am, my mom came, made some prayers. I am pretty calm actually, well.. I am not a morning person, most likely I will doze off shortly! ;p
- 8.34am true enough, i dozed off already. Then the operation staff came in with the operation bed. I was forced to change the operation baju. Sexy gila, just one piece of cloth, two strings behind, and covers just over till my hips, slightly over my private part !!! *shy*
- 9am I was pushed into the Operation Room. It feels exactly like the TVB Series..where they push a patient hurriedly into the operation room sort. Only difference is, these nurses are taking their time, chit chatting while pushing me + bed to the operation theater waiting room, need some check up and preparation wor.
- 9.15am my anaesthetic doctor came talking to me. She is one very funny person. As she was talking and explaining to me the mathematics vs the anaesthetic required to make me sleep and stuff, basically, trying to make me relax.
- 10am I was pushed officially into the operation theater now. NOW I AM REALLY SCARED. I saw the tools, the equipments, I nearly fainted. I was about to tell Dr, no need the injection as I have fainted. Then, she came talking to me, I still can remember I was giggling when she talks to me before I really fainted off. Can you believe it? Minus the equipments and tools, the theater actually looks like a disco pub! They served different kind of music, up to Dr's mood !!
Dr Bee: No no, today not this music !! Change to something Jazz.
Nurses: But we don't have anything jazz today on the radio!
Dr Bee: Aiyo, then something instrumental la!
While the others trying to tune in to the right channel....
Dr A (Anaesthetic): So Caren, don't worry, I am now going to pump the injection into here (some needles that was earlier poked by the nurses), make your prayers, do anything your like, within seconds you are suppose were be asleep already. Is this your first operation?
Me: Yup...
Dr A: Don't worry ok, I promise this is going to be very fast.
Me: (damn scared already) ok...
Dr A: Alright, here we go..! Dr Bee, are you ready?
Me: (panic) Ok Dr. A. How long will it take effect before I doze off?
Dr A: Oh.. less than 30 seconds. Infact.. now.
Me: (just nodding and I am seeing stars already)
2.45 Hrs later...
Dunno who: Caren!! Caren !! Wake up !!! Caren !! Caren !!!
Me: (Opened my eyes look around, turn my head, and falls back to sleep)
Dr Bee: Oh no!! Keep trying !! wake her up!!
Dr A: Wake up Caren !! The operation is over, wake up wake up!!!
Me: (Opened eyes) where am I? Who are you...? (then sleeps off)
Dr A: Caren !!! Please don't sleep !! Wake up!! Give me some signals you are conscious!!
Me: Yeah Yeah...(eyes still closed, kinda annoyed as I was having a real sweet dream!!)... heard you...(feeling drowsy, I raised my hand)
Dunno Who: yes, yes... I am here.
Me: I want vomit!!!
Dunno Who: (was kind enough to pass me something) ok, you vomit here. (that dunno who still help me wiped my mouth leh! hehe, then I continue to vomit some more)
Dr Bee: Alright !! success...!! jot down the time. I declared the time now as 12.45pm. Ok Caren, this is what I did...(he explains, my eyes closed, but half asleep still, only heard)...there will be a DVD for you too. I will come see you in the evening when you are awake. Alright she is ready to go !! (gives instruction to that dunno who)
Then I was wheeled back to my ward, still feeling drowsy, heard some conversation, I think it is mum and Kak Waty, I just smile at both of them, waved then I slept through. Still don't feel the pain.
- 5.55pm I finally awake from anaesthetic ! Now only I feel the pain (see, Laparoscopy not so horrible afterall!) can't move at all. The pain was REAL BAD, for me la. I decided to sleep some more. Then Wake up just in time for Doctor's inspection,he check check, commented some medicine to the nurse. Told me bout what he did, and say he found a cyst ...yada yada.. and he asked me to sleep some more, he will come see me tomorrow. Later, he passed the DVD to my worried mom, when I saw her, she really looked so worried.
"Aya mommy, nothing la, Dr also say later I can eat lio ma...! You go home first, family need you back then"
"Eat what eat!!! you take this chance to lose weight !!! Padan muka !!" and she finally relieved then! My Mom is cute. Despite she is dead worry, she still can make jokes!!! LOL
I won't continue the following few days at Hospital. Basically, I was served like a Princess, and my meals... 5 stars ok!! The whole day's routine was : sleep, wake up, eat, TV, medicine, wake up, sleep. LOL How not to put on weight like this then?
So what I had for meals?
Let me recap a bit... I can only remembered la :- spaghetti cheese, chicken chop with fries, Fish porridge, chicken porridge (amazingly, tasted very good), oats with raisin (this is darn suck!), some malay food (not good, cos they mixed up my menu with the others), whole meal with butter & jam with choices of egg (since I am avoiding ugly scars, i didn't take the egg)
and all these main course, comes with either :- fruits, yogurt, ice cream, fruit tart
AND drinks either :- juices, soya, milo, coffee or tea
AND some appetizer alike. I don't know what it is called. that usually are juices/fruits/biscuit (funny huh) and my medicine! wakaka
What's more could I ask for from Hospitals? Beside, everyday I had 5 meals. Breakfast, Lunch, Tea, Dinner, Supper. -.-""
Ok, now the interesting part... the photos !!! [Editor: I was particularly throwing up while watching the whole process of it !!! Gross...!!! Looking at the fats, that's what makes me determined to lost weigh more!]
- Gross photo attached, please do not continue if you are eating, or unfit to view.
- Photos taken straight from a DVD clip, with only consent from the patient, please do not take this as reference nor study research
- Also, author as no skills with electronic stuff, hence apologize for all the 'headache' and imperfect stuff seen.
- Long entry ahead. Warned not to drink nor eat while reading. Not a pleasure to read, but is for knowledge wise.
Thank you!
I was going through Robb's website, and I was STUNNED !! Yes, you read me right, STUNNED !! extremely....S T U N N E D
Wow.. he sure gives me some determination to lose weight Further, and this is why...
Just a little update from why MIA so long,
It took me a while to bring this courage to write. I mean, is all about The Woman sickness, and I am pretty shy to talk about it.
But with much thoughts and courage from a close friend, I decided to write about it...
Here goes....
After much complain on the right below abdomen pain (for a few years now, I think this is the 4th year, I lost count) , I finally brave out myself to visit 2nd Gynae's opinion; Doctors and hospital were never my favorite place to go *pouts*. I remembered when I was younger, I used to love going hospital because I get to see babies, new borns and kiddies at my age to play with.
Since age of 5, the word "hospital" just freaks me out. Especially when you get phone calls from xxx hospital saying that xxx , whom so happened to be your relative passed away, or in ICU ..etc. Just freaks me off. *shrugs*
Anyway, after many years of complaining pain, many specialist (from Appendix to Colon to Gastric to finally Gynae) scans (from Image scanning, to X-ray, to CT Scan)... 3 different specialist, said that I was just being paranoid over the pain, and gave me a conclusion as "you are thinking too much" .
Naturally, the pain grow tremendously especially when period is about to come. Initially, I thought just another period cramp (which I shouldn't ignore it, as I never had period cramps before in my entire life before)... so, Panel Doctor gave me period cramps medicine...yada yada...
Then one fine day, the period prolonged to 12 days long instead of the normal 4 days. This is then I panic and went for second opinion. First gynae, Dr Chew Weng Hang, diagnosed me as Endometriosis , pretty common among the woman apparently. Then he says, since I have been complaining bout the pain, he can't confirmed until we do a Laparoscopy test. [Editor: He is one REAL patience and nice doctor, at least, he took the time to not only explain the whole thing to me through charts and drawings, making sure I am comfortable with the whole thing. He even took the effort to flip open his book, show me the meaning of these two glamour medical terms that later became a nightmare to me, it just kept appearing in my dreams] Hehe... after much consultations, I am pro with all the Medical names already!
Ok, I was chicken for the Laparoscopy test, also financial is another thing to worried bout too. So.. I ignored, until my 2nd opinion from Dr Bee Hang Wing, he too, gave me ultra scan and diagnosed me as Endometriosis . A test is required...yada yada.. he didn't drill in further to explain as he seems to know that I did alot of research on this already. No offense, during the 1st consultation, he seems kinda in hurry to go home. It was my ever-irritating-curios attitude that made him talk more.
Nevertheless on that. The least, he took effort to explain the Laparoscopy test and the side effects of taking Lucrin Depot, and the tests...yada yada. After much persuasion from my mom and other factors, I finally give in and have the operation on 2 days later.
It was kinda rush, the following night, I checked into hospital so that they can have some time 'cleaning' me up before the op.
Day 1
- Nurses woke me up 4am (I didn't sleep basically, I am scare ok) inserted some liquid into my buttock. Don't ask me what it is, but it suppose to flush out all the dirty stuff I had in my 'back door'
- I tried to sleep a little, but by 4.15am I headed for the toilet, flushed everything out, and fell asleep.
- 5am, my room mate (Kak Waty, she is a very poor thing, because of pregnancy problems, she had became regulars in the hospital, will highlight her in my future post) hand phone rang, is her Sembahyang time. She is very sweet, she knew I didn't sleep, and the nurses came earlier, so she whispered softly over the curtain , "Tak yah takut, Kak pray untuk you. Sekejap nanti Caren keluar dah..." ["Don't worry, I will pray for you, Caren will be out shortly..."]
- 7am, the house keepers came to clean the room..toilet
- 7.30am, the kitchen lady came, to give Kak Waty her breakfast. [PS: Chicken chop served wei!! Don't play play!] while I went to clean up myself, bath and drool over her meal, since I am fasting still. *grin*
- 8.30am, my mom came, made some prayers. I am pretty calm actually, well.. I am not a morning person, most likely I will doze off shortly! ;p
- 8.34am true enough, i dozed off already. Then the operation staff came in with the operation bed. I was forced to change the operation baju. Sexy gila, just one piece of cloth, two strings behind, and covers just over till my hips, slightly over my private part !!! *shy*
- 9am I was pushed into the Operation Room. It feels exactly like the TVB Series..where they push a patient hurriedly into the operation room sort. Only difference is, these nurses are taking their time, chit chatting while pushing me + bed to the operation theater waiting room, need some check up and preparation wor.
- 9.15am my anaesthetic doctor came talking to me. She is one very funny person. As she was talking and explaining to me the mathematics vs the anaesthetic required to make me sleep and stuff, basically, trying to make me relax.
- 10am I was pushed officially into the operation theater now. NOW I AM REALLY SCARED. I saw the tools, the equipments, I nearly fainted. I was about to tell Dr, no need the injection as I have fainted. Then, she came talking to me, I still can remember I was giggling when she talks to me before I really fainted off. Can you believe it? Minus the equipments and tools, the theater actually looks like a disco pub! They served different kind of music, up to Dr's mood !!
Dr Bee: No no, today not this music !! Change to something Jazz.
Nurses: But we don't have anything jazz today on the radio!
Dr Bee: Aiyo, then something instrumental la!
While the others trying to tune in to the right channel....
Dr A (Anaesthetic): So Caren, don't worry, I am now going to pump the injection into here (some needles that was earlier poked by the nurses), make your prayers, do anything your like, within seconds you are suppose were be asleep already. Is this your first operation?
Me: Yup...
Dr A: Don't worry ok, I promise this is going to be very fast.
Me: (damn scared already) ok...
Dr A: Alright, here we go..! Dr Bee, are you ready?
Me: (panic) Ok Dr. A. How long will it take effect before I doze off?
Dr A: Oh.. less than 30 seconds. Infact.. now.
Me: (just nodding and I am seeing stars already)
2.45 Hrs later...
Dunno who: Caren!! Caren !! Wake up !!! Caren !! Caren !!!
Me: (Opened my eyes look around, turn my head, and falls back to sleep)
Dr Bee: Oh no!! Keep trying !! wake her up!!
Dr A: Wake up Caren !! The operation is over, wake up wake up!!!
Me: (Opened eyes) where am I? Who are you...? (then sleeps off)
Dr A: Caren !!! Please don't sleep !! Wake up!! Give me some signals you are conscious!!
Me: Yeah Yeah...(eyes still closed, kinda annoyed as I was having a real sweet dream!!)... heard you...(feeling drowsy, I raised my hand)
Dunno Who: yes, yes... I am here.
Me: I want vomit!!!
Dunno Who: (was kind enough to pass me something) ok, you vomit here. (that dunno who still help me wiped my mouth leh! hehe, then I continue to vomit some more)
Dr Bee: Alright !! success...!! jot down the time. I declared the time now as 12.45pm. Ok Caren, this is what I did...(he explains, my eyes closed, but half asleep still, only heard)...there will be a DVD for you too. I will come see you in the evening when you are awake. Alright she is ready to go !! (gives instruction to that dunno who)
Then I was wheeled back to my ward, still feeling drowsy, heard some conversation, I think it is mum and Kak Waty, I just smile at both of them, waved then I slept through. Still don't feel the pain.
- 5.55pm I finally awake from anaesthetic ! Now only I feel the pain (see, Laparoscopy not so horrible afterall!) can't move at all. The pain was REAL BAD, for me la. I decided to sleep some more. Then Wake up just in time for Doctor's inspection,he check check, commented some medicine to the nurse. Told me bout what he did, and say he found a cyst ...yada yada.. and he asked me to sleep some more, he will come see me tomorrow. Later, he passed the DVD to my worried mom, when I saw her, she really looked so worried.
"Aya mommy, nothing la, Dr also say later I can eat lio ma...! You go home first, family need you back then"
"Eat what eat!!! you take this chance to lose weight !!! Padan muka !!" and she finally relieved then! My Mom is cute. Despite she is dead worry, she still can make jokes!!! LOL
I won't continue the following few days at Hospital. Basically, I was served like a Princess, and my meals... 5 stars ok!! The whole day's routine was : sleep, wake up, eat, TV, medicine, wake up, sleep. LOL How not to put on weight like this then?
So what I had for meals?
Let me recap a bit... I can only remembered la :- spaghetti cheese, chicken chop with fries, Fish porridge, chicken porridge (amazingly, tasted very good), oats with raisin (this is darn suck!), some malay food (not good, cos they mixed up my menu with the others), whole meal with butter & jam with choices of egg (since I am avoiding ugly scars, i didn't take the egg)
and all these main course, comes with either :- fruits, yogurt, ice cream, fruit tart
AND drinks either :- juices, soya, milo, coffee or tea
AND some appetizer alike. I don't know what it is called. that usually are juices/fruits/biscuit (funny huh) and my medicine! wakaka
What's more could I ask for from Hospitals? Beside, everyday I had 5 meals. Breakfast, Lunch, Tea, Dinner, Supper. -.-""
Ok, now the interesting part... the photos !!! [Editor: I was particularly throwing up while watching the whole process of it !!! Gross...!!! Looking at the fats, that's what makes me determined to lost weigh more!]
Dr Bee burnt off these cyst. As I am typing now, I can imagine how painful it was, if I was not on anaesthetic! The bigger white thing behind, is my right ovary. It look so small in my science book. but turned out to be REAL big here...!! LOL
Here, what you are seeing is the overall of the right ovary, attached is the "Y" tube. Saw the little cyst there? Is about 3cm big. Saw the blood inside a 'cup' look alike? I wonder what's that... maybe Dr Bong can answer me! :D
The Aftermath of the operation?
- The stitches was taken out after a week of operation, it was pulled out, on the spot of check-up with no anaesthetic what so ever, just..."Hold your breathe (pulls)"... -.-""
- The scars are ugly, to me. But credit to Dr Bee for the neat stitches done, else I would have more bad scars. Really, he really did a good job, he make the scars so small that my mom thought I was bitten by a bug!! ^^
- Yeah, three holes scar, almost 1 cm each, no photo on this, too ugly to post it up. But not a big damage la...but..I am a gal afterall... I already had enough bad scars on my body :*(
- Best Part (and don't get jealous of me!! wakaka) one month of MC !!! Sadly, I didn't fully used it. I was at home the 1st 2.5 week, working from home to be precise. My phone just kept ringing even during the admission!
- Since the operation so happened to be at the waist line, I can't wear pants for these few weeks, hence the pleasure of working from home (where you can sneak to sleep and rest whenever is needed !!! lala lala this is heaven!!)
- Of course... staying too long at home, is making me real bored now. I can't wait to go out !!
- With God's grace... I am healing pretty fast now !! The surface is pretty all healed now... not sure bout the inside. I have faith :)
And good night, I want to make full use of my ONE MONTH MC!!! woohoo!!! Cherios !! ^^
- The stitches was taken out after a week of operation, it was pulled out, on the spot of check-up with no anaesthetic what so ever, just..."Hold your breathe (pulls)"... -.-""
- The scars are ugly, to me. But credit to Dr Bee for the neat stitches done, else I would have more bad scars. Really, he really did a good job, he make the scars so small that my mom thought I was bitten by a bug!! ^^
- Yeah, three holes scar, almost 1 cm each, no photo on this, too ugly to post it up. But not a big damage la...but..I am a gal afterall... I already had enough bad scars on my body :*(
- Best Part (and don't get jealous of me!! wakaka) one month of MC !!! Sadly, I didn't fully used it. I was at home the 1st 2.5 week, working from home to be precise. My phone just kept ringing even during the admission!
- Since the operation so happened to be at the waist line, I can't wear pants for these few weeks, hence the pleasure of working from home (where you can sneak to sleep and rest whenever is needed !!! lala lala this is heaven!!)
- Of course... staying too long at home, is making me real bored now. I can't wait to go out !!
- With God's grace... I am healing pretty fast now !! The surface is pretty all healed now... not sure bout the inside. I have faith :)
And good night, I want to make full use of my ONE MONTH MC!!! woohoo!!! Cherios !! ^^
WOW...all i can say is, thanks for sharing...and good that u made it!!! (like as tho u wouldn't...right? O.O) But the photos was abit confusing tho...kinda confused what actually was taken out...the cyst, i cant seem to find it haha...i guess thats why i'm no doctor. Anyway, its good that you blogged about it, now ppl will realize that hospital operations are not all nightmares filled with crazy ppl but actually got doctor and a deejay in the operation room one. And enjoy your 1 month MC!!!
1 month! So long!
wow. glad that the operation went well.
but i'm more interested in the food... GLORIOUS FOOD!!! which hospital is it? i want to cut myself and get admitted there. :P
keke there, got Dr Bong here ma, you can ask him! btw, the bubble lookalike is the cyst lor ! keke
my ever faithful reader !! thank you!! ^^ don't envy eh, 1 mth very fast finished also kaka
@Dr Bong
Thanks thanks !! haha you ask for transfer to there lo, is Ampang Puteri Hospital! the nurses there all chiq some more!!
hey mui. no word from u. hope everything is better now. take care ah
hope u recovering better now.. at least u have finally found the source of the pain..... after so long...
hey che, thanks dear, I am doing fine now :)
thanks thanks... not fully recovered... i still feel the pain now and then still. glad found the source of pain finally, but it might get worsen if i don't take care
hey, wish u have a jift recovery..
rest well, dear...
Get Well soon. Glad to know you finally found the source of your pain for all this years. Hope everything goes well after this. Take cares and be well.
Hi Caren, Just wanna know whether this is similar to Ovarian Cysts? I can't seem to find many related cases to Ovarian Cysts in Malaysia. Can I also know which hospital did u go to? Thanks a lot.
hey there!! thanks for dropping by! glad u took time to read this entry. hope it helps. as to your question.. i am not sure if it is the same. dun think is the same... though it sounded similiar...
i suggest, u better see a doc if you are feeling any sort of pain. are you doing some sort of research? or just for knowledge? Do take care, hope to hear from u soon!! :)
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