Monday, October 04, 2004

No Posting Today

I have a busy weekend, not for myself but for Angus & Pricilla, the newly wed couples. They are so lovely and the whole ceremony was great! Being the not-good photographer for the weekend sure is tiring. It's worthwhile anyway. If they(the organizer) want to complain about quality and such (which, wasn't complained by the couples but the organizer whom don't even bother to think of my feeling), then let them la, I did my part. I am not a trained photographer either. The bridegroom also never complain a thing, but the organizer complain so much for what? He made a fuss infront of the crowd, imagine how hurt my dignity is!

I have mixed feeling over the weekends. Joy, Happiness, Sad, Angry... and drunk. Not for myself either, but for the newly wed couples. It feels good to be drunk when you felt sad in a happy ceremony. Sigh, like I say, I got a lot of mixed feelings.

I really want to thank Shanice for her generous lending of dresses. It fits all just nice. Thanks again gal, you saved my night =0) I will return you the dresses once I cleaned it. Now that I know where I can get nice pretty dresses, I will save to hunt for a few. Thanks again!

Congratulations once more Angus & Pricilla! Remember the vow you did, don't break it as this will give impact only to your children and family. I have faith in you two till eterniy!

Btw, today no posting. I just want to be an ordinary gal on a day where I get older a year again. The mood of celebration as gone.

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